Design Systems
Business Strategy
Corporate Design
Web Design
UX/UI Design
Design Systems
Business Strategy
Corporate Design
Web Design
UX/UI Design
The hub for decentralized trading
DEXTools is one of the most used and beloved real-time data analysis tools in the whole blockchain space. Users can anticipate market movements, create unique trading strategies, track and copy profitable wallets and much more. The company wanted a redesign of there visual identity, a website of the caliber of their offer and a fresh dashboard design for their application. We delivered exactly that, riveting DEXT's credibility and character among the crypto peers and players in the scene.
—Web3 Data Analysis Tool
—Corporate Design
—Web Design
—UX Design
—UI Design
Corporate design
After a redesign of the company logo, DEXTools wanted a visual update of their identity design which fits to the new logo. The old design wasn't suitable anymore and didn't communicate the companies values properly. We reworked the overall visual language so that DEXTools' identity design resonates better with their target audience and communicates the messages and values of the company in an appropriate and meaningful way.
web design
The companies website also needed to be adjusted to the new logo and identity design. The old design simply wasn't suitable anymore. In addition to some visual improvements, some smaller optimizations in terms of the user experience were also needed. The color palette, fonts and the overall visual language should be revised and standardized in order to better communicate the content of the website and the services DEXTools provides.
uX/UI design
In this step the Identity Design and the User Experience did come together to form the aesthetic of the actual product and user interface. After defining what Ispolink is in it's core all about and what will be needed for a satisfying user experience, the visual appearance of the platform itself came into focus. What colors will be used for which kind of element of the UI?  Does it fit the overall brand strategy and identity design? Does the UI serve the different user types properly?
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