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Participating in Hackathons as a Non-Developer
Embracing Hackathons as a Graphic Designer in the Web3 Space
by Jens Gantz

I love Hackathons. They're intense, fast-paced events wheredevelopers, designers, and entrepreneurs come together to ideate,innovate, and build prototypes within a limited timeframe. As agraphic designer in the web3 space, I've found hackathons to be notonly exciting but also incredibly rewarding experiences. Here's why.

A Different Perspective

Participating in hackathons as a non-developer gives me a distinctadvantage. While developers focus on coding and functionality, Ibring a fresh perspective centered on user interface (UI) design,user experience (UX), and branding. This different lens allows me tocontribute to projects in ways that developers might not prioritizeinitially. Design isn't just about making things look good; it'sabout ensuring that the end-users have a seamless and enjoyableexperience interacting with the product.

Collaborating Across Boundaries

One of the most enriching aspects of hackathons is the opportunityto collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds. From blockchainenthusiasts to AI specialists, hackathons attract individuals withvaried skill sets and perspectives. This diversity fosters creativityand encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, which is crucial increating holistic and impactful solutions.

Bringing Ideas to Life

Hackathons are breeding grounds for innovation andentrepreneurship. I love working with visionaries and innovators whohave bold ideas but need help translating them into tangible designs.Whether it's sketching wireframes, creating brand identities, ordesigning intuitive interfaces, my role is to visualize theirconcepts and make them compelling and user-friendly. This stage isoften overlooked in the early stages of startups, yet it plays apivotal role in attracting users and investors alike.

Positive Experiences and Connections

Through hackathons, I've had the pleasure of meeting incrediblepeople who are passionate about driving change and pushingboundaries. These events are not just about building products;they're about forging connections and building a community. Some ofmy most fulfilling professional relationships and friendships havebegun at hackathons, where shared passion and determination createlasting bonds.

Testing and Improving Skills

The time pressure of hackathons forces participants to think ontheir feet and deliver results quickly. This environment challengesme to refine my design process, prioritize tasks effectively, anditerate rapidly based on feedback. It's a crash course in skilldevelopment that accelerates growth and builds resilience. Everyhackathon project is a learning experience, whether we win or not,because it teaches us to adapt and innovate under constraints.

Rewards Beyond Recognition

While the thrill of winning a hackathon prize is undeniable, thereal rewards extend beyond monetary gain. It's about the satisfactionof seeing an idea come to life, the joy of overcoming challenges as ateam, and the pride in contributing to something meaningful.Hackathons provide a platform to showcase skills, gain visibility inthe community, and open doors to new opportunities.


Hackathons are more than just competitive events; they're hubs of creativity, collaboration, and innovation. As a graphic designer in the web3 space, participating in hackathons has enriched my professional journey, allowing me to contribute my skills where they matter most and forge lasting connections with fellow innovators. Whether you're a developer, designer, entrepreneur, or enthusiast, hackathons offer a unique chance to make a tangible impact while honing your craft. If you haven't participated in a Hackathon yet, just do it and see for yourself. Seize the opportunity and watch your ideas transform into reality.

—Web3 ATS Platform
—2020 - now
—Corporate Design
—Web Design
—UX/UI Design
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